There is a heightened risk of tornadoes in the United States over the next two months. Here’s a summary and analysis based on the information available:



  • Seasonal Patterns: The pattern of tornadoes moving from the south to the north before diminishing in early July

The areas in the United States at the highest risk of tornadoes, based on the latest data, include:

It’s important for residents in these areas to stay informed about weather warnings and to have a safety plan in place during the tornado season. The peak months for tornadoes in these regions are typically from late spring through early summer.

Climate change is affecting weather patterns globally, and this includes the occurrence and distribution of tornadoes. Research suggests that while tornadoes are traditionally associated with Tornado Alley in the United States, there are shifts happening due to the changing climate:

These changes underscore the importance of adapting our understanding of tornado risks and preparedness as the climate continues to change.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can play a significant role in disaster management and prevention, helping to save lives and reduce damage. Here are some ways AI contributes to these efforts:

By integrating AI into disaster management systems, we can enhance prevention, prediction, response, and recovery efforts, ultimately saving lives and minimizing damage from natural disasters.

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